Hi! I’ve been reading the blogs for about a month now, but haven’t posted anything of my own. I have a few questions, but first for some background info on my baby girl. Roxy is my boxer girl. Well, one of my boxer girls actually….I have two girls and one boy. We bought Kali almost three years ago as a puppy. We loved her so much and we wanted her to have a friend. So we adopted Dakota from a local shelter the following year. That was 2008. Then last summer I see this little boxer trotting across our back yard. She had a collar so I went outside to see if there was a name tag. When I got close to her I realized she was in really bad shape. She was severaly malnourished, covered in bugs, and her paws were swollen to three times their normal size. She was very timid. She came to me, but stayed at arms length, just enough for me to touch her with my finger tips, and she would not make eye contact with me. I lured her to my house with food and gave her a place to sleep. And that’s exactly what she did every chance she got for the next three days. The day after I found her my husband and I took her to the vet, got her shots and decided if we couldn’t find owners she was going to stay with us. Needless to say, we never found owners.
We got to work on getting her back in shape. I actually started to count the number of ticks I picked off her, but stopped at 70. My husband later told me that he had done the same thing, but stopped at 50. Fast forward a couple months and the “spot” that was on her right, front elbow had blown up….it was about three inches in diameter. Originally we thought it would heal on its own, then it just seemed that over night it was huge. We took her to the vet and was told it was a pressure sore. Antibiotics didn’t touch it. I took her back and asked if it could be cancer. The biopsy showed a Grade III Mast Cell Tumor.
Immediately I switched vets. Our original vet is an old country vet, and I just felt that he should’ve realized there was something wrong since it didn’t heal. Of course I don’t blame him completely. I beat myself up everyday with the “if only”s. If I would’ve asked questions immediately maybe we would have caught it at grade II or even grade I and her prognosis might be better…you know how it is….
Our new vet is amazing. She’s very patient and spends a whole lot of time answering my questions. Of course the only option is to amputate. However there are no guarantees that the cancer hasn’t already spread. I can’t stand the thought of putting her through major surgery and her having to deal with the cancer anyway. I put her through the first round of tests…blood work, buffy coat analysis and x-rays. They all came back clear so I scheduled the amputation for the 15th of February. But I just didn’t feel right about it. I struggled so much that I opted for more tests, knowing that if they came back negative I still had no guarantee that the cancer hasn’t spread. But if they came back positive then I would know not to put her through amputation. So I had an abdominal ultrasound and biopsy of the liver and spleen done. All came back clear. So I have once again scheduled the amputation for next Tuesday, March 2nd.
I’m obsessed with this whole thing, paranoid, worrying myself until I have developed an ulcer. I check her everyday for some sign that it has spread still fearing putting her through surgery. Then yesterday I found a lump on her hind leg. I don’t know what it is of course, but in my mind the cancer has spread and this is it. I still plan on taking her Tuesday, but I’m going to ask the vet to look at the spot and maybe do a needle aspirate to see if she sees anything suspicious. If so, I’ll just bring her back home and enjoy the time we have with her. If not, the amputation is going to happen.
One of the things I will never forget, no matter the outcome, is the fact that it wasn’t until we started paying special attention to the spot on her leg that she started acting like she is truly our dog. She seems more alive than she has the whole time we’ve had her. She now plays harder than any of the other two, even though by the vets estimates she is the oldest. She loves on us more and just seems happier. Maybe she’s relieved she doesn’t have to go through it alone. Maybe she’s relieved that we’re helping her. I don’t know. But its crazy how even dogs live better when their lives are at stake.
The reason I’m doing this blog is I need advice and support. My husband is a wonderful man, but a man none-the-less, so he has trouble with the support part of this. I want to do everything I can for her, but I don’t want to be selfish. I don’t want to put her through a bunch of bad things that won’t help her just so I can help my conscience or hopefully have her around a few extra months. Like I said, I will do the amputation if there still isn’t any sign of metastasis. But I want to do more. I’ve read some things of holistic treatments but I can’t wrap my head around it. I remember reading one comment where they mentioned Essiac Tea. Have any of you had experience with this? Can anyone give me advice?
Thank you so much ahead of time! And good luck to all of you going through similar or worse situations. You are all in my prayers.
Roxy, Kali and Dakota’s Mom