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14 Months!

Today is Roxy’s 14 month ampuversary. She’s still doing pretty well. Her skin allergies have been a little calmer the last couple months. She’s still crazy and loves to play, but when she calms down I’ve noticed she moves just a little slower. It makes me sad when I notice her a little slower, but I don’t worry too much because I know getting around on three legs has to be exhausting. Plus when she’s in full play she runs like the wind, and when we play tug of war she about pulls my arm out of the socket. I swear, I’ve never played with a dog that size that has that much power.
She had her annual check up and vaccinations over the weekend. Our vet still thinks she looks fantastic and can’t believe she’s still here. We are so blessed. Our vet also noticed the extra gray around her face this time, so I guess it wasn’t in my head. Shari and Dakota, if you’re reading this, Dakota isn’t the only one turning gray rapidly lately. 🙂 He’s in good company.
We still haven’t ever done follow up xrays. She has Mast Cell instead of OSA, so I guess chance of mets in the lungs are a little less. I must admit, a part of me would really love to do an ultrasound of the spleen and liver since that’s where MCT tends to go, but if we found it there it would just make me worry and fret all the time. And what’s the point in that if Roxy isn’t worried about it???
I’m always thinking of our fellow tripawds. Hopefully the weather starts cooperating soon and we can all enjoy life just a little more.



  1. supersheepdog Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 6:17 pm   

    Congratulations, with lots of hugs, pawty hats, and all the best of treats for Miss Roxy! It is always so great to hear about those many-months or -years ampuversaries! Leslie, you sound like you have a really calm, positive attitude and that HAS to be one of the biggest reasons Roxy is having such a good, long post-amp life! More power to you both!

    – Sweet Sylvie and her mom

  2. admin Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 6:29 pm   

    Sounds like Roxy is doing great, thanks for the update!

  3. maximutt Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 6:47 pm   

    Congratulations Roxy!!!

  4. Dakota Dawg Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 7:31 pm   

    A gray-faced woman-dog after my own heart! Everyone here at my place is so happy for Roxy. My Woman handed out the treats already–a bit weird to some folks, but Evelyn and I like avocado! Well, Evelyn likes everything. I have more discerning tastes.

    Go Roxy! I love it when you jump in the air! It inspires me.

    Love, Dakota

  5. krun15 Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 7:33 pm   

    Yea Roxy!
    Hi Leslie- I’ve been AWOL for awhile but I’m glad I checked in today!!
    I had decided to stop doing ultra sounds for Mag when she turned 10. The US that year had shown some ‘lesions’ on her liver- so I got to worry about that for awhile- but nothing ever happened. The only reason I did another one was because of the crash she had after the second cancer diagnosis- and really I don’t know why I did that one. I had already decided on our course of action.
    So if you saw something on the US would you do anything different than you are doing now? Save your $ and spend it on fun stuff for you and Roxy!
    Happy ampuversary Roxy!
    Karen and the pugapalooza

  6. CatiesMom Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 8:16 pm   

    Oh, we do enjoy celebrating ampuversaries. Hope you’ve had a lovely one – congratulations!!!

    It’s coming up Catie’s 16-month ampuversary. I have to say she’s slowed down considerably (not that she was ever an over-achiever). At this moment she’s barking extremely noisily out the window – everyone in the neighbourhood I think has come out of hiding after our long dreary winter. We too haven’t had routine xrays; I’m better off not knowing if anything is imminent…

    Enjoy your sweet girl. I agree with Sweet Sylvie’s mom – I don’t doubt at all that your positivity has helped Roxy immeasurably.

    Wishing Roxy many, many more ampuversaries!

  7. riosmom Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 9:14 pm   

    Glad to hear that Roxy is doing so well. Those pesky grey hairs are popping up all over the place lately. Rio’s chin and eyebrows are getting really white these days, not to mention my own crop of ‘a little TOO blonde’ hairs.

    I’m with Karen. If knowing that the cancer is in her liver or spleen isn’t going to change how you treat the cancer, what’s the point. Better to just enjoy life with your Roxy as long as you can! Go with the whole “ignorance is bliss” way of thinking!

    Micki and Rio

  8. etgayle Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 9:45 pm   

    happy ampuversary roxy!!! we’re taking it slower too – makes enjoying each moment that much better!!!

    charon & gayle

  9. janeothejungle Said:

    on May 2, 2011 at 11:39 pm   

    Way to Goes, Roxy!! Tell you momsa nots to worry if you goes slows sometimes, you just rechargin for the crazies! Keeps on Truckin!

    Hurricane Rosie

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